The Red Cross Society of China, in conjunction with the Ministry of Education, issued a circular promoting emergency amb


2021-05-20 Source: Xinhuanet

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, May 20(reporter Xu Zhuang) recently, the Red Cross Society of China and the Ministry of Education jointly issued a notice on further promoting emergency ambulance work in schools, it is required to attach great importance to the work of emergency rescue in schools, promote the popularization of students'knowledge and skills in emergency rescue in a down-to-earth manner, strengthen the training of teaching and administrative staff in emergency rescue, and strengthen the construction of ambulance service positions.

The notice calls for local education departments and Red Cross societies to earnestly enhance their sense of responsibility and urgency in carrying out emergency rescue work in schools, strengthen organizational leadership and work coordination, and jointly carry out the "rescue around the campus guarding" operation, we will carry out in-depth work to popularize knowledge of emergency rescue in schools, train people in emergency rescue skills, allocate rescue facilities and build ambulance service positions.

In addition, local education departments and Red Cross societies should integrate emergency ambulance training into school liberal education, teaching activities, classroom education and extra-curricular practice, and incorporate emergency ambulance knowledge and skills into military training for students, increase the popularization rate of emergency rescue knowledge and skills. Colleges and universities shall be encouraged to offer courses related to emergency rescue and incorporate them into credit management.

According to the circular, by 2030, the proportion of teachers and students in primary and secondary schools who will receive public welfare training as ambulancemen shall in principle be no less than 1:50, and active efforts shall be made to promote the training and collection of evidence by school doctors, physical education teachers, class teachers and other teaching and administrative staff, ambulance teacher training qualified teachers during military training, such as students for disaster prevention and risk prevention knowledge training.

Local Red Cross Societies and education departments are required to actively promote the provision of first-aid equipment in schools, build "fraternity school clinics, " improve first-aid training and equipment standards, and strengthen training and drills in first aid, effectively enhance the capacity of campus ambulance service.