■ Simulated normal and dilated pupils on both sides for contrast observation.
■ Child care operations can be performed: body bandaging exercises, bathing, changing clothes, combing hair, eye and ear cleaning and drops, oral care, finger blood collection, TB test.
■ Airway management technology: realistic mouth, nose, tongue, gums, pharynx, larynx, esophagus, epiglottis, trachea, tracheal ring, you can practice orotracheal intubation, sputum suction, oxygen inhalation.
■ Oral and nasogastric feeding.
■ gastric lavage.
■ Arm venipuncture, injection, infusion (blood): There is a clear sense of disappointment when the puncture is successful, and blood is returned.
■ Bilateral deltoid, bilateral vastus lateralis, and bilateral buttocks can be injected intramuscularly.
■ Enema, placing a rectal plug.
■ Perform catheterization.
■ Holistic care: scrub, change clothes, heat and cold therapy.
■ The joints of the limbs are bent left and right, rotated, and moved up and down.
■ Bathing, dressing.
■ ileum, colon, cystostomy care.
■ Tibial bone marrow puncture: The process of simulating bone marrow puncture, with obvious signs on the body surface, can simulate the outflow of bone marrow if the puncture is correct.